
This conference is aimed to bring together people working on operator theory, PDEs, and mathematical physics from UNAM and other leading research centers around the world. The purpose is to facilitate the exchange of ideas, and develop future and already existing collaborations inside the UNAM mathematical community and their collaborators in Ibero-America.

The conference serves as a catalyst for cutting-edge research in operator theory, PDEs, and mathematical physics. By bringing together leading experts and emerging scholars from UNAM and prestigious research centers worldwide, the event provides a platform for the exchange of groundbreaking ideas and methodologies. Through keynote presentations, panel discussions, and collaborative sessions, researchers have the opportunity to explore new avenues of inquiry, address pressing challenges, and lay the groundwork for future advancements in these dynamic fields.
With its focus on mathematical trends, the conference serves as a crucible for innovation in theoretical and applied mathematics. Participants have the chance to showcase innovative approaches, novel techniques, and breakthrough discoveries that push the boundaries of knowledge in operator theory, PDEs, and mathematical physics. Through interdisciplinary dialogue and interdisciplinary collaboration, attendees can harness the power of collective expertise to develop innovative solutions to complex problems, driving forward the frontiers of mathematical innovation.
The conference provides a fertile ground for fostering meaningful connections and collaborations among researchers, educators, and practitioners in the mathematical sciences. Attendees have the opportunity to network with peers, exchange insights, and forge new partnerships that transcend geographical and disciplinary boundaries. By facilitating interactions within the vibrant UNAM mathematical community and beyond, the conference cultivates a supportive ecosystem where ideas flourish, collaborations thrive, and new opportunities for collaboration and cooperation emerge.


Join us for an enlightening exploration of cutting-edge mathematical research across three key areas: operator theory, PDEs, and mathematical physics. Our speakers from esteemed institutions such as Ikerbasque, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Universidade de São Paulo, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Universidad del Valle, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana and Tecnológico de Monterrey will delve into the intricate dynamics and emergent phenomena shaping contemporary research. Whether you're intrigued by stability theory for bound state solutions, fascinated by high-dimensional mean-field Hamiltonian models, or captivated by the rich phenomena of PDEs, this conference offers a unique opportunity to engage with forefront research and forge new intellectual connections. Join us as we embark on a collective journey of discovery, exploring the frontiers of mathematics and its diverse applications.


Operator Theory

A unique approach

In a symphony of mathematical rigor and analytical finesse, researchers like Jaime Angulo from Universidade de São Paulo and Mónica Clapp from IMATE, UNAM, delve into the stability theory for bound state solutions, illuminating the intricate dynamics of nonlinear Schrödinger equations. Through their investigations on complex graphs and shrinking self-focusing cores, Angulo and Clapp unveil the underlying operator structures governing these phenomena, offering profound insights into the spectral properties and stability of nonlinear systems. Their collaborative efforts pave the way for new frontiers in operator theory, enriching our understanding of bound state dynamics and nonlinear wave propagation.

Speakers:Jaime Angulo, Mónica Clapp, Daniel Castañón, Alberto Saldana.

Institutions: Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil; IMATE, IIMAS-UNAM, Mexico


Analysis, & Mathematical Physics

Lectures & expositions

Renato C. Calleja and Arturo Olvera Chávez, both from MyM, IIMAS-UNAM, navigate the high-dimensional seas of mean-field Hamiltonian models, unraveling the mysteries of transport phenomena and chaotic dynamics. By exploring self-consistent chaotic transport and the evolution of viscous vortex filaments, Calleja and Olvera Chávez shed light on the emergent behaviors and collective phenomena that arise in complex dynamical systems. Through their interdisciplinary collaboration, they offer novel insights into the fundamental principles governing phase space dynamics, enriching our understanding of mathematical physics and nonlinear dynamics.

Speakers: Renato C. Calleja, Arturo Olvera Chávez, Luis Vega, Roberto Romero Arias, Salvador Pérez Esteva, Carlos Villegas.

Institutions: Ikerbasque, Basque Country; IMATE, IIMAS-UNAM, Mexico.



As lingua franca

Jesús Fernando Carreño from UNAM-UMSNH and Carlos Villegas from IMATE, UNAM, venture into the realm of partial differential equations, exploring the dynamics of fractional Laplacians and eigenvalue distributions. By investigating the Ginzburg-Landau equation with fractional Laplacians and the limiting distribution theorem for eigenvalue sub-clusters, Carreño and Villegas unveil the rich tapestry of phenomena that emerge in nonlinear systems and quantum mechanics. Their collaborative efforts bridge the gap between theoretical analysis and computational modeling, offering profound insights into wave propagation, pattern formation, and spectral properties in complex physical systems.

Speakers:Jesús Fernando Carreño, Ivonne Rivas, Ramón Plaza Villegas, Óscar Riaño, Marcos López, Luis Fernando López, Adolfo Guillot, Jesús Fernando Carreño, Liliana Esquivel, Luz de Teresa.

Institutions: UNAL, Univalle, Colombia; UMSNH, IMATE, IIMAS-UNAM, Mexico.


The conference will take place from July 22nd to 26th at the Auditorio IIMAS-CU, located at the premises of the Research Institute of Applied Mathematics and Systems (IIMAS) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), at the Ciudad Universitaria Campus, Mexico City, Mexico.


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Enrique Alvarez del Castillo

Existencia y estabilidad espectral para una familia de soluciones de tipo onda periodica estacionaria para la ecuación de Eckhaus con un término adicional.

Felipe Angeles

MyM, IIMAS-UNAM (Mexico)
On the equations of compressible fluid dynamics with Cattaneo-type extensions for the heat flux: hyperbolicity, symmetrizability and relaxation structure.

Jaime Angulo

Universidade de São Paulo (Brasil)
Stability theory for bound states solutions on the tadpole graph for the NLS equation.

Jorge Becerril

Tecnológico de Monterrey (México)
On optimality conditions for nonregular control problems.

Renato C. Calleja

MyM, IIMAS-UNAM (Mexico)
Transport in a high-dimensional mean-field Hamiltonian model.

Judith Campos Cordero

Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM (México)
Un resultado de convergencia-Gama para identificar minimizantes locales fuertes.

Jesús Fernando Carreño

Ginzburg-Landau equation with fractional Laplacian on an upper-right quarter plane.

Daniel Castañón

MyM, IIMAS-UNAM (Mexico)
An introduction to Hybrid High Order (HHO) methods with applications to incompressible fluid flows.

Mónica Clapp

IMATE, UNAM (Mexico)
Nonlinear Schrödinger equations and systems with shrinking self-focusing cores.

Karla Cortez

UAM Iztapalapa (México)
Two Approaches to Derive Necessary Conditions for Optimal Control Problems with Sweeping Dynamics and Mixed Constraints.

Lucrezia Cossetti

Ikerbasque (Basque Autonomous Community)
Spectral stability via the method of multipliers.

Luz de Teresa

IMATE, UNAM (Mexico)
On a Stackelberg strategy to control a two-dimensional Boussinesq system.

Liliana Esquivel

Univalle (Colombia)
A Riemann-Hilbert approach to the stochastic fractional NSL equation on a half-line.

Luca Fanelli

Ikerbasque (Basque Autonomous Community)
Scattering in the energy space for the 2D defocusing nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation with a magnetic field.

Juan Carlos Fernández

Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM (México)
An overview of generalized symmetries in PDE.

Jonathan Gil

IIMAS, UNAM (México)
Estimaciones dispersivas para la ecuación discreta de Schrödinger con coeficientes matriciales.

Fedro Guillén

IIMAS, UNAM (México)
Un Nuevo Modelo de Poblaciones Inspirado en la Física Estadística, Mecánica Cuántica e Inteligencia Artificial.

Adolfo Guillot

IMATE, UNAM (Mexico)
Ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias complejas y soluciones con fronteras esenciales: las ecuaciones de Darboux-Halphen y algunas generalizaciones.

José Manuel Jiménez

UNAL (Colombia)

Marcos López

IMATE, UNAM (Mexico)
Reachable spaces of a 1D degenerate/singular parabolic equation on the half-line.

Luis Fernando López

MyM, IIMAS-UNAM (Mexico)
Stability analysis of traveling waves for reaction diffusion-degenerate equations.

Arturo Olvera Chávez

MyM, IIMAS-UNAM (Mexico)
Self-consistent chaotic transport in a high-dimensional mean-field Hamiltonian map model.

Salvador Pérez Esteva

Band invariants related to the spectral cluster asymptotics of the Dirichlet to Neumann for the Schrodinger operator in the unit ball.

Ramón Plaza Villegas

MyM, IIMAS-UNAM (Mexico)
Instability theory of kink and anti-kink profiles for the sine-Gordon equation on a Y-junction graph.

Oscar Riaño

UNAL (Colombia)
Instability of solitary waves for the 3d critical Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation.

Ivonne Rivas

Univalle (Colombia)
Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers equation on the half plain.

Roberto Romero Arias

MyM, IIMAS-UNAM (Mexico)
Transiciones topológicas y patrones espaciales potenciados por la curvatura.

Alberto Saldana

IMATE, UNAM (Mexico)
Some recent results on weakly coupled elliptic systems.

Francisco Torres

Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM (México)
Types of independence in operator algebra.

Luis Vega

Ikerbasque (Basque Autonomous Community)
The binormal flow and the evolution of viscous vortex filaments.

Carlos Villegas

IMATE, UNAM (Mexico)
On a limiting distribution theorem for eigenvalue sub-clusters of the hydrogen atom Hamiltonian in a constant and weak magnetic field.



Miguel Ballesteros IIMAS

  • +52 55 56 22 38 99 ext 44313
  • miguel.ballesteros(at)

Luca Fanelli BCAM

  • lfanelli(at)

Diego Iniesta IIMAS

  • +52 55 56 22 35 96
  • diego.iniesta(at)

Iván Naumkin IIMAS

  • +52 55 56 22 35 88
  • ivan.naumkin(at)

Julien Ricaud IIMAS

  • julien.ricaud(at)

Luis Silva IIMAS

  • +52 55 56 22 36 29
  • silva(at)

Luis Vega BCAM

  • lvega(at)